Export Definitions File

Since there are many options to customize the export process in Database Tour, sometimes it is needed to have prepared sets of them for different cases. The software allows to save them to export definitions file and preload them before exporting when needed.

Export definitions file is an XML file which contains export options. The options are divided into several sections like it is done in the interface of Export dialog: format specific options, options of detail logging, error handling options, and command line specific options. The file may also include field or table mappings. Every section/option is optional.

Example of export definitions file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<-- My Access-to-HTML export definitions -->
      <RecordLogExpression>"Row": <ROW_NUM>; "Field1": "' + to_string(dataset_field_val(1, 1)) + '";'</RecordLogExpression>