Use this format to export data to HTML document. The export process is performed by Database Tour export engine with direct file access and therefore is very fast.

You can export data to HTML format either from Database Tour GUI or from the command line.

When exporting data from GUI, switch to HTML page of the Export dialog. If this page is not visible, click Favorite Export Formats button in the top-right corner of the window and make sure the corresponding format is selected.

Exporting Data to HTML

Format Specific Options

File - when exporting data from a table or SQL query, or when exporting data from a group of tables (multi-table export), specify a file name to export data to. In case of multi-table exporting, all tables will be outputted to one target file, and additional parameters like table title, table id, etc can be specified in Table Mappings. The option is not available when exporting data to clipboard.

Folder - when exporting data from a group of tables (multi-table export), specify a folder name to export data to. Each table will be exported to a separate file in the specified folder; file names can be specified in Table Mappings. The option is not available when exporting data to clipboard.

Template file - specify a template file. In this case, the export procedure will enrich the template file with data from the current dataset and finally save the enriched template as a target file. Note: when using template, all export options will be ignored except template options, document title, row count limit, and record range.

Document title - specify document title, i.e. value of HTML title tag. Not available if template file is used.

Step no - specify the current export step. When using template, export can be performed in several steps, and this option lets the application know which dynamic expressions from the template must be calculated during this step.

Table title - specify the table title, i.e. text which is shown above the table data in the target document. Available when exporting data to one file and if template file is not used; for multi-table exporting, table titles can be specified at the table mappings step. Can be blank. When several tables are exported to one file, the table titles are placed into H2 tags, otherwise the table title is placed into H1 tag.

Table Id - specify a value for id attribute of HTML Table tag. Available when exporting data to one file and if template file is not used; for multi-table exporting, table id attributes can be specified at the table mappings step. Must be valid HTML id attribute. When empty, the output table will not have id attribute.

Encoding - specify HTML encoding.

BOM - specify either to include BOM (byte order mark) when using Unicode encoding.

Alternate row color - specify background color for every second row. The color must be specified in hexadecimal form, which is made up of sharp symbol (#), followed by three hex numbers, rr, gg, bb, that give values for red, green and blue, respectively; for example, #FF0000 represents red. If you don't need to highlight every second row, leave this field blank.

Target image format - specify format of target images. Possible values: PNG, JPEG, GIF, Bitmap, Metafile, Icon, <as source> in the last case, the target image will be created in the format which was determined in the source, i.e. no image format conversion is done.

Include MEMO fields - specify either to include contents of MEMO / CLOB fields in target or not; in the latter case, a constant describing the field type will be used instead of the field contents.

Include column names - specify either to include the column names in target or not.

Include images - specify either to include the graphics from BLOB fields in target or not. Images are exported as separate files into a sub-folder of the folder, where the target HTML file is located; the sub-folder will have the same name as the target HTML file (without extension) plus _filessuffix. If the application cannot determine the image format of some BLOB field, it ignores it. For large databases, including images may significantly decrease the export speed. This option is

Trim trailing spaces - specify either to trim trailing spaces and control characters in target or not. Applicable for char and varchar data only. Using this option allows to remove useless data and thus reduce the output volume, improve the target look for some destination formats etc.

Use raw data - specify either to use the raw data from the source or prepare them for proper use in HTML document. Raw data may be useful, for example, when it contains HTML code to be embedded into the target HTML document. Using raw data can speed up the exporting process.

Create index file - specify either to create a separate index file for multi-table exporting. The index file will contain web links to all HTML files created during the export procedure.

Line break - specify line break style; if you choose Windows, then each line in the file will be terminated by carriage return and new line character (CR+LF); if you choose Mac, a carriage return (CR) will be used to separate lines; otherwise, Unix style will be used (LF).

Export mode

Specify export mode:


Target is created and filled with incoming rows; if target already exists, it is overwritten.


Blank target (using appropriate structure) is created; if target already exists, it is overwritten.


Target is appended with incoming rows; if target does not exist, it is created.

The format, field structure, and encoding must be compatible with existing target.

Note: For multi-table exporting, the value can be overridden for each individual table in Table mappings section.

Record range

Specify range of source records to be exported:

Full table - all records are exported.
Selected records only - only selected records are exported. To select rows, click the corresponding button and then select needed rows using Shift, Ctrl and arrow keys.
From current record to the last one - all data between current and the last records are exported.

Limit the record count to - specify a maximum number of records to be exported. If this option is not specified or it is less then 1, all records from the specified record range will be exported. If you want just create a file (table) without data exporting, use the corresponding Export mode instead.

Column range

Specify range of source columns to be exported:

All columns - all columns (including columns, which were temporary hidden by user) are exported.
Selected column only - only selected (current) column is exported.
Visible columns - only visible columns are exported.

Source records per target row

Specify a number of records from source database to be placed into one line of the target file. For example, if you specify 2, the source data will be placed to the target in the following way:

Source Target
Col1 Col2   Col1 Col2 Col1 Col2
cell1 cell2 cell1 cell2 cell3 cell4
cell3 cell4   cell5 cell6 cell7 cell8
cell5 cell6          
cell7 cell8          

This option is useful when source have a small count of columns and a large count of rows. Using it, you can fill target area more optimally.

Other options

Ask before overwrite or empty existing target - specify either to ask the user to overwrite existing target for REPLACE+INSERT and CREATE_OR_REPLACE export modes. The option is not available when exporting data to clipboard.

See also

Command Line Usage

Exporting to HTML Using Template

Table and Field Mappings

Practical Case: Export Data to HTML with Totals